
Things to Consider When Choosing the Number of Pages On a Website

Things to Consider When Choosing the Number of Pages On a Website

Choosing the right number of pages for your website is crucial for providing a positive user experience, improving SEO, showcasing your content effectively, and staying competitive in your industry.


In this article, we’ll delve into the deeper concepts that work in the background and create the basis for the perfect number of pages one must have on a website.



Fundamental Pages Every Website Must Have

Before we dive into the aspects to consider when choosing the number of pages on a website, let us first take a look at the fundamental pages every website must have.


You probably know these already, but here’s why each of these is important – and in which cases:


  • Homepage

This is probably a no-brainer, right? But here’s a rarely-known fact about the importance of the homepage of your website:


Because the average attention span of a website visitor is just about 8 seconds, this makes the homepage of your website a critical element in capturing and retaining your audience’s attention.


In those few seconds, your homepage needs to make a lasting impression, communicate your brand identity, and entice visitors to explore further. It serves as a virtual storefront, where potential customers decide whether to engage with your website or move on to a competitor.


  • About Us

Whether you want to keep it “About us” or “About Business” – the importance remains the same. The about us page is the second most visited page on a website, after the homepage.


Studies have shown that visitors who are interested in a product or service often turn to the “About Us” page to learn more about the company behind it. This page provides an opportunity to showcase your brand’s story, values, and expertise, allowing visitors to form an emotional connection and develop trust in your business.


  • Contact Page

Contact Us page on your website can significantly impact your business’s credibility and customer trust. This often-overlooked page plays a vital role in building relationships with your audience and creating opportunities for engagement.


Studies have revealed that businesses with a clear and visible Contact Us page tend to experience higher conversion rates. When visitors have the option to contact you easily, they feel more confident in making a purchase or engaging in a business transaction.


  • Blog/News Page

Even if you have an eCommerce website, adding a Blog/News Page can have a significant impact on the statistics of your website.


An information-rich Blog/News page will not only keep your SEO juices flowing but will also provide value to your audience. This can help you get new customers who come seeking information and end up contacting you in gratitude for the valuable insights you provided. 



What to Consider When Choosing the Number of Pages On a Website

A website is more than just the fundamental pages. It is your online visibility. In the digital marketing world, the more you can expand your visibility, the further you nourish your chances of conversion.


Here are the factors to consider when choosing the number of pages on a website:


Considering Content Depth and Breadth

If, like us, you’re providing Digital Marketing services – chances are that you are providing more than 4 services within the niche. Should your website have a separate page for each service you provide? If yes, how detailed should it be? You can answer these questions yourself by understanding content depth and breadth.


Content depth refers to the comprehensive coverage of core topics. It involves writing in-depth and detailed content that thoroughly explores a particular subject.  By providing comprehensive information, you establish yourself as an authority in your field and provide value to your audience


Content breadth, on the other hand, refers to the range of related subjects that you cover within your content. It involves exploring different aspects and subtopics related to your core topic.  By covering a broader range of subjects, you can provide a more comprehensive and well-rounded experience for your audience.


Evaluating User Experience (UX) Factors

Evaluating user experience (UX) factors is crucial for creating a website that is easy to use and provides value to its users.


Whether a single page could enhance user experience or segmenting the information into multiple pages would get the work done. Here’s how to find that out:


Simplicity, readability, and ease of navigation: A website should be easy to navigate, with clear menus and intuitive navigation. It should also be easy to read, with clear typography and a simple layout. If there’s a lot of information to cover, better add additional pages to keep up with a modern, minimalist design.


Clear information architecture and intuitive menus: A clear information architecture helps users find the information they need quickly and easily. Intuitive menus make it easy for users to navigate the site and find what they’re looking for. However, make sure nothing gets hidden on different pages, making it harder for users to find information.


Analyze Competitors and Industry Standards

By conducting a thorough analysis of your competitors and industry standards, you can gain valuable insights into successful practices and identify what may work best for your own website. Here’s how you may analyze competitors when choosing the number of pages for your website:


  • Start by researching the websites of your competitors and industry leaders. Take note of their products, services, branding, sales tactics, and marketing approaches. This will give you a better understanding of what they offer and how they position themselves in the market.


  • Pay attention to the structure and organization of your competitors’ websites. Take note of the number of pages they have and how they are structured. This will help you identify common practices and industry standards.


Despite all this, a bottom-line rule in the digital marketing world is to just go with your instinct – who knows, you may create something new! Keeping the fundamentals the same and tweaking with the add-ons can give you the best combination to consider when choosing the number of pages for your website.

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